Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 3: getting to know your webtools.

Considering all the questions you had regarding the webtools last week (which also saved you from counting thousands of aphids!) and the time we spent in lab going over these programs, you should all be familiar with how these programs work. If not, then you're in luck! As you recall, your blogbook for this week was to familiarize yourself with these tools. To help you with this, below is a list of activities that I would like you to complete within each of the programs:

1) Twitter: Post something about the reading for this week. Examples would be a term defined in your own words or other limitations or factors influencing the adoption of IPM in field crops.

2) Diigo: The lecture reading was short for this week. However, I would like you to bookmark an additional web resource to the entom612 group using Diigo. In addition to just posting the page, I want you to comment on it. Why did you find this page useful? Or not useful? Was the content organized in a logical way? How could the page be improved? Was it written in terms that were easy to understand or did you need to look up additional items?

3) Wetpaint: Even though we didn't discuss this tool in class, I still want you to explore the site. One way is to update your profile information within wetpaint. Add a photo, your major, why you're taking the class, what you hope to get out of the class by the end of the semester, etc.

4) YouTube: Find a video and post it to the entom612 working group which can be found at If you're not a member, then join the group! Recall from last week that I've sent out my "final" invites. It's up to you to accept my invite or request to be part of the group. You can also add this link to your blogbook for this week.

5) Blogspot: Note, you're not creating a new address for this week. You're simply posting a new entry to an existing blog. If you're not exactly sure how to do this, please let me know. However, we did go over this in lab last week so hopefully this info is still somewhere in your memory bank. The intro for your blog entry this week should be self-explanatory, but I do want you to put it into your own words. The results and discussion section can simply be your experience with the programs listed above. Issues you found? How valuable the "help" sections were or things that could be added or improved? Other things you liked or disliked the tools?

Assuming the weather cooperates this week, we'll be heading to the field.


Extra credit: What order does the insect in the top photo belong to? First one to Tweet the order gets a point towards their blogbooks (or two points if you can get it to family!). Note, only general postings to Twitter will qualify; no direct messages please.

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