Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 12: Trip to Insect Zoo.

One of K-State’s fundamental missions is the “application of research, teaching, and outreach for the betterment of the quality of life for the citizens of Kansas”.   One strategy is to build upon currently working models for public engagement.  The Insect Zoo is definitely one of these resources!  Its mission is “to foster a better understanding and increased awareness of our microcosmic, natural world and of the important roles that insects and their relatives play in it” (  This assignment is your opportunity to “give back” to the greater Kansas community by sharing your knowledge of insect pests that are relevant to Kansans.  Select posters will be displayed in the Insect Zoo based on the accuracy and creativity of the finished product.  Based on your visit to the zoo, please address the following:
1)  In thinking about your upcoming project or assignment (rough draft due 11/18/09), how do you plan to incorporate  insights/observations/conversations/experiences/current exhibits/etc. into your poster?  Feel free to use examples.
2)  What will be the biggest challenge in getting zoo visitors "excited" about your subject or insect of choice?  Conversely, what is something (information, image, fact, etc.)  that will definitely get their attention?

3) Include or imbed  your two best pictures or "wow photos" on your blog posting for this week that you plan to use in your poster rough draft.
4)  Based on our conversations with Kiffnie Holt, how much text should be used on a poster designed for the general audience?  With that said, how do you plan to address this requirement in your project?

Be creative, have fun with it!

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